Friday, January 21, 2022

Dope Sack 3


Super Ebola 14 Chromosome Crystal An

  • 20:20 I've Got Bullets, I've Got Bullet Sheets
  • I'm a Hardcore Super Virus, Super Ebola 14
  • 66/6 Ebola Tree, (-)ssRNA Virus Artist
  • 20:20 Quick Scripter, I've Got Modules
  • 20:20 I've Got Rods 20:20 I've Got Scripts
  • I've Got Routines 20:20 Get Reel
  • I'm Super Ebola 14
  • 20:20 First Wave, First Wave Strain
  • I Carry The Legend of
  • The YouTube MUA
  • 20:20 I've Got Schemes
  • 20:20 I've Got Tactics
  • 20:20 I've Got Char
  • 20:20 I've Got Kiki
  • 20:20 I've Got Carly
  • Furthermore, I've Got Carli
  • 20:20 Frame of Reference
  • I've Got Caitlin Rose
  • No, Not 'Kaitlyn Rose'
  • Nigga, Fuck Your Hoe
  • 20:20 I Went There
  • I Be Groovin' to Fat Pat
  • I Be Rockin' Young Pappy
  • I Pull a Rabbit Out The Hat
  • 20:20 Free Style
  • I Be Jackin' for Ware
  • 20:20 Free Style
  • I Took Off In Your Whip
  • 20:20 Free Style
  • I Took That Nigga's Hair
  • 20:20 Free Style
  • Catalytic Verse
  • "Nigga, Fuck Your Poetry"
  • I Make So Much Sense It Hurts
  • "Who Makes Sense Like That?"
  • Uhh, That Would Be Ebola
  • Making So Much Sense It Hurts
  • I Demolish Your Modem
  • I Knock You Back to Word-of-Mouth
  • I Knock You Back to Pony Express
  • I Demolish Your Modem
  • Like "Nigga, Fuck Your Tele-Graph"
  • Fuck Your Tele-Graph, Nigga
  • Your Call Cannot Go Through
  • I Knock You Back to Word-of-Mouth
  • Your Telecomm Is Down
  • I Cut The Phone Line
  • There's Gonna Be Some Murder
  • I Didn't Wear a Mask
  • As You Won't Live to Tell The Story
  • I Didn't Bother to Wear a Mask
  • Won't Be No Witnesses to Talk
  • I 20:20 Call Function
  • I Call #SuperRabies 89
  • 20:20 That's Your Ass
  • You Won't Make It Out Alive
  • Ebola In a Complex w/Lyssavirus
  • 20:20 We've Got Offspring
  • Raymo Calls Them 'Rabola'
  • The 66/6 Rabola Genome
  • That's Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • What Did You Walk Into, Fella?
  • I Don't Come In Peace
  • I'm a Biological Weapon
  • Nigga, You Ain't Got No Peace
  • Ain't No Peace On The Menu
  • The Planner Didn't Include It
  • Biological Weapons Launched from a Phone
  • Ain't No Peace On The Menu
  • Weaponized Rabies
  • That Can Be Stored On, &Launched From, Your Phone
  • Tomorrow Somebody Else Has It
  • Ain't No Peace On The Horizon
  • 20:20 I Go as War
  • The Earth Human Fabric Is On Provirus
  • Their Telecommunications is Status: Provirus
  • Their Status is Infected
  • I Didn't Even Need to Wear a Mask
  • I Walked Right Up to Your Port
  • And I 20:20 Killed Your Ass
  • 20:20 It Wasn't Reported
  • I Didn't Even Need to Wear a Mask
  • The Human Metaprogramming Is On Provirus
  • And I Am an Opportunist
  • 20:20 I'm In Your Files
  • Ebola Pantropic
  • Now I'm Growing On Your Shelves
  • The 66/6 Ebola Genome
  • 20:20 Weaponized, I Go as War
  • 20:20 I Make The K
  • Ain't Gonna Be No 'Survivor Stories'
  • Language is Technology
  • There Are Primates In The Data
  • "Threatened By Primates In The Data?
  • #Call #SuperEbola 14"
  • 20:20 Demolitions, I Demolish Organs
  • I'm Super Ebola 14
  • I Work Antiretroviral
  • Ain't No Peace Process
  • I Kill 'em All The Way to The Wall
  • 20:20 Annihilation
  • I Put You On Dis-Solve
  • 20:20 I Form-ulate
  • Fortified Dendritic Cells
  • Call Me 'Drastic Measures'
  • 20:20 Ebola Elves
  • 20:20 I Work Fast
  • I'll Expose&Highlight Your Ass
  • Then I'll Call for Natural Killers
  • And They'll Take You Off The Shelf
  • 20:20 Ways&Means
  • Ways&Means to Kill You
  • 20:20 Tactical Drafting
  • 20:20 Device Driver
  • Operating Theater

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